Young Adult Literature Unit


All across the United States, adolescent girls’ are being constantly bombarded with images of what is “beautiful” in the media. Whether it’s in print, where airbrushed, “picture perfect”, waif thin models are depicted in countless pages in magazines, or music videos where women are scantily clad and objectified; young girls across the country continuously view representations of women that are often misogynistic, and contain unrealistic standards of beauty, sexuality, and body image. This can be very daunting, as it invites feelings of inadequacy, lowered self-esteem and confidence issues, and young girls succumbing to a bevy of peer pressure.

After reading Hill Harper’s empowering “Letters To A Young Sister: DEFINE Your Own Destiny”, we are aware of all of the issues and insecurities that youth like you face in today’s society. Your task, if you choose to accept it ( and you will :-)! ), will work towards rebuilding self-esteem that is often torn down by the media, and promoting decisive, strong, and confident women who cannot be swayed. This project will be created by young women, for young women, and will be done on an individual basis (individuals wanting to work in a group of 2 must consult the teacher and obtain permission), which will take approximately three weeks to complete.