Young Adult Literature Unit

                    Mission Possible
In order to help young girls combat issues surrounding self-esteem and promote confidence and a positive self-image, you will take on one of the following roles for this project:
Create your own self-help, motivational manual, to help other girls who are struggling to find themselves. Be creative, and can title it anything that deals with positivity, such as: "You Go Girl Manual", or "Girl Power Guide". It does not have to be any specific length, but should address the key issues that you think young women are struggling with, and should provide tips that promote self-esteem, and celebrates individuality ( you can share tips on hair, makeup, health, exercise, dating, friendship, anti-bullying, individuality, etc....this is NOT an exhaustive list, so you can include any or none of these topics in your manual/book).
You are an advice columnist, and you will create a "Dear Abby"  (insert your name instead of Abby) column, where girls' will write in to you about issues they are concerned about, or presently going through. Your responses will respond directly to the questions asked to, which will be "published" in the school newspaper.

Unleash you inner artist, and create a: collage, painting, poem, song, Public Service Announcement (PSA), commercial, or skit that depicts strong, confident women in a positive light. Once this is complete, you will post your work on (poem/song if performed, PSA, commercial, or skit), or will submit to Ms. Jones-Caldwell for publishing in, paintings, poems and songs that are not uploaded to youtube).
You are a reporter for the local news channel, and you are doing an investigative report on adolescent teens on issues that impact their self-esteem. You will collect factual data, and include tips for students to address these issues with confidence and self-assurance. Your final presentation will be in the form of a powerpoint, Prezi, Photostory, or even a talk show (which can be live in class, or taped and presented to the class on the due date).